Use "narcissus|narcissi|narcissuses" in a sentence

1. Common names: Paperwhite, Bunch-Flowered Narcissus, Chinese Sacred Lily, Joss Flower, French Daffodil, Cream Narcissus, Polyanthus Narcissus, Bunchflower Daffodil

2. Narcissus 'Androcles' Add to cart

3. It is also often associated with the Greek legend of Narcissus.

4. Adonis, like Narcissus, was a beautiful youth in Greek mythology

5. The ground beneath them was Bespattered with narcissi and anemones, the very olive trees looked gay

6. Hyacinths, narcissi, crocuses and certain types of tulips are the most widely planted bulbs for indoor displays.

7. Initially, there was a prohibition against cutting grass in the Valley of Narcissi after the flowering season.

8. <p>Cheerfulness Double Daffodil (Narcissus) has creamy petals and yellow centers

9. (Narcissus) There are other double daffodils, but for years, Cheerfulness has been No

10. Henchman who swagger around and watch posture, non - ends today Caolu, who Narcissus not tea.

11. 10 And so, like Echo , Narcissus began to pine away , wasted by an impossible love.

12. Whether Pygmalion or Narcissus, Obama and Osama share a realist's vision of how power is wielded.

13. On July 13, 2005, the Brazilian Attorney General, the IRS and the Federal Police conducted "Operation Narcissus".

14. 10 Greet Herodion, my kinsman. Greet those of the household of Narcissus who are in the Lord.

15. Daffseek database details for daffodil (Narcissus) 'Bobbysoxer' with 7 photos, including parentage, pedigree tree, descendants chart, and original breeder comments.

16. Where it had lain there was blooming a new and lovely flower, and they called it by his name, Narcissus.

17. 26 Alek brought her a cluster of early narcissus and she wore a short white gown with a grass-blade pattern.

18. When we gaze into a mirror, we are all of us Narcissus, tethered eternally to our doppelganger on the other side.

19. 13 This defect lost her the love of Narcissus, which caused Echo to pine away until only her voice was left.

20. The Asphodel of the poets is often a narcissus; that of the ancients is either of two genera, Asphodeline or Asphodelus, containing numerous species in

21. Adonis was a handsome young man, of beauty comparable to that of Endymion, Ganymedes, Narcissus, Hyacinthus 1, Atlantius (also called Hermaphroditus), Hylas or Chrysippus 2.

22. ‘Flowers range from peonies, delphiniums, various brooms and gorses, mallows, asters and periwinkle through to Buglosses, mandrake, daises, narcissi, irises and orchids.’ More example sentences ‘Viper's bugloss was introduced from Europe in colonial times.’

23. Bulbs enable many common garden ornamentals, such as the narcissus, tulip, and hyacinth, to produce their flowers rapidly, almost precociously, in early spring when growing conditions are favourable

24. The olive orchards of Sampaolo are just so many wildernesses of wild flowers: violets, anemones, narcissus; irises, white ones and purple ones; daffodils, which we call Asphodels; hyacinths, tulips, arums, orchids -- …

25. Up to 3% cash back  · December Birthdays — Narcissus, Holly, Poinsettia; Know the birthday gal loves orchids? Send orchids online from our selection of potted and mixed orchid bouquets! For a big and bright display, send our 100 Birthday Blooms bouquet or Extravagant Deluxe Purple Birthday Orchids

26. Bulbous plant - plant growing from a bulb iridaceous plant - any Bulbous plant of the family Iridaceae amaryllis - Bulbous plant having showy white to reddish flowers blood lily - any of various deciduous or evergreen herbs of the genus Haemanthus; South Africa and Namibia narcissus - Bulbous plant having erect linear leaves and

27. An observation-based analysis indicated that the plant species of the Podhale meadows, pastures and mountain pastures most commonly eaten by the sheep are as follows: snowcap (Arabis alpina), yellow thistle (Cirsium erisithales), arctic yellow violet (Viola bilora), alpine clematis (Clematis alpina), Senecio subalpinus, alpine snowbell (Soldanella carpatica), Austrian leopard's bane (Doronicum austriacum), wolfsbane (Aconitum firmum), saxifrage, alpine buttercup (Ranunculus alpestris), moss campion (Silene acaulis), cranberry (Oxycoccos quadripetalus), yellow saxifrage (Saxifraga aizoides), alpine blue sow thistle (Cicerbita alpina), net-leaved willow (Salix reticulata), Saxifraga wahlenbergii, alpine poppy (Papaver burseri), golden cinquefoil (Potentilla aurea) and narcissus-flowered anemone (Anemone narcissifolia